First off let me just say how impressed I am with the entire Saulo Riberio Jiu-Jitsu Resolution set as whole. Very good stuff dude worth the money.
Overall notes:
- Get hooks in to rest or transition
- Weight down
- Create arm frame on opp. waist(Hand over fist) - Do not push!!
- Bump over shoulder
- Bring bottom leg through for half guard
If "hooks in".....
- lock in his hooks tight
- Use opposite foot to free bottom hook
- Move hips and legs to create space
- Secure arm frame
- Bump(side) but not over the shoulder instead up like hip heist escape
- Use top arm to "pinch" leg at the knee(Elbow is lever)
- Follow through with hips just like hip heist escape.
- Grab collar and open right collar
- Reach left hand across to inside right collar(thumb-in) not so deep make sure to keep arm
- Move to left and place opp. and dismount into knee on belly(right).
- Drop left elbow down toward mat.
- Reach right arm in(under)and secure opp. right elbow
- Step up on left leg dropping down leg to finish the choke.
Ezekiel Choke mount
- Get hooks and one hand under head. (Use forearm in throat to get opp. to lift leg)
- Drive off hand through opp. off hand until elbow reaches floor.
- Then drive head to opp. off hand to move elbow off
- Make lock in tight grabbing inside sleeve and across neck to finish choke
Combo Attack(Choke & Armbar) from S-mount(Very Nice!)
- Grab collar and open right collar
- Reach left hand across to inside right collar(thumb-in) not so deep make sure to keep arm in contact with body.
- Side right knee around until touch opp. head making sure to lock foot against hip.
- Wait and see how opp. defends.
If "opp. defends choke"...then take armbar!!
If "opp. defends armbar"..then take choke!!
Cross Choke from Mount(Notes):
- Not to deep grip
- Base out on either foot.
- Raise body up to finish choke