
Saulo Riberio Jiu-Jitsu Resolution - Guard

Posted by --- Monday, January 23, 2006 0 comments

More notes from Saulo Riberio's Jiu-Jitsu Resolution. Good stuff.

Riberio Sweep(Tech. #2):

  1. Grab right pants leg at knee.
  2. Grab left sleeve.
  3. Drop left foot tight against opp. right foot
  4. Move hips slightly to left side(Stay tight!!).
  5. Bring forward to create momentum
  6. Move back and bring right leg up and around under opp. armpit

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First off let me just say how impressed I am with the entire Saulo Riberio Jiu-Jitsu Resolution set as whole. Very good stuff dude worth the money.

Overall notes:

  1. Get hooks in to rest or transition
  2. Weight down
Mount Escape #1 - Forward resistance
  1. Create arm frame on opp. waist(Hand over fist) - Do not push!!
  2. Bump over shoulder
  3. Bring bottom leg through for half guard
Note: As soon as you get mounted place arm frame in place.

If "hooks in".....
  1. lock in his hooks tight
  2. Use opposite foot to free bottom hook
If "knee are high"
  1. Move hips and legs to create space
  2. Secure arm frame
Mount Escape #2 - No forward resistance
  1. Bump(side) but not over the shoulder instead up like hip heist escape
  2. Use top arm to "pinch" leg at the knee(Elbow is lever)
  3. Follow through with hips just like hip heist escape.
Transition to knee on belly choke from mount(Very Nice!):
  1. Grab collar and open right collar
  2. Reach left hand across to inside right collar(thumb-in) not so deep make sure to keep arm
  3. Move to left and place opp. and dismount into knee on belly(right).
  4. Drop left elbow down toward mat.
  5. Reach right arm in(under)and secure opp. right elbow
  6. Step up on left leg dropping down leg to finish the choke.

Ezekiel Choke mount
  1. Get hooks and one hand under head. (Use forearm in throat to get opp. to lift leg)
  2. Drive off hand through opp. off hand until elbow reaches floor.
  3. Then drive head to opp. off hand to move elbow off
  4. Make lock in tight grabbing inside sleeve and across neck to finish choke

Combo Attack(Choke & Armbar) from S-mount(Very Nice!)
  1. Grab collar and open right collar
  2. Reach left hand across to inside right collar(thumb-in) not so deep make sure to keep arm in contact with body.
  3. Side right knee around until touch opp. head making sure to lock foot against hip.
  4. Wait and see how opp. defends.

If "opp. defends choke"...then take armbar!!
If "opp. defends armbar"..then take choke!!

Cross Choke from Mount(Notes):
  1. Not to deep grip
  2. Base out on either foot.
  3. Raise body up to finish choke

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My name is Travis and I’ve been training BJJ since May, 2005. I am currently a brown belt under BJJ World Champion Cassio Werneck.

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