That's right boys and girls yours truly was promoted to the rank on Blue Belt on Dec. 16, 2005.
To be honest I was a little surprised that Cassio decided to promote me before his trip back to Brazil from the holidays.
Overall I'm flattered but not 100% sure that I truly deserve it. While I can see some definate progress there are still some pretty big holes in my game but I have been trying to increase my mat time(4 times a week for the last 3 weeks) focusing on conditioning and postioning.
The major areas I am working to improve are:
1.) Conditioning-Although it's alot better than before I still need some serious work. Much respect to for all of the help so far.
2.) Positioning-Specifically when dealing with guys who come from wrestling background. I'm still having trouble getting position at the start of a roll and wasting a lot of energy defending and escaping instead of attacking.
3.) Sweeps-I have picked up some guard and half-guard sweeps, now I am trying to adapt them to be body type for maximum effectiveness.
The thing about the promotion is now it forces me to step my game up which is a good thing overall. However I do not ever want to become so afraid to get beat that I stop attempting techinques.
This BJJ thing is a marathon and not a sprint.
"forca a horna"