Classes 101 - 124 of 200 BJJ classes
Weight 173 lbs.
Instructor(s): Cassio Werneck and Brent Goodall
Weight 173 lbs.
Instructor(s): Cassio Werneck and Brent Goodall
Class(es) Overview:
I really started working Half Guard as a Blue belt but it was not until I saw Jeff Glover's Deep Half Guard DVD that I really started to understand the position. It seemed a perfect fit for me so I began to integrate it into my already decent standard Half Guard game with immediately success.
Although this video is a little grainy it covers what I consider to be the "Big Six" Deep Half Guard sweep:
However there was(are) a few guys we gave me a lot of trouble with the Deep Half Guard so I started to analyze what they were doing. Let us take a look at some of the problems I was having and what should be done to address them.
- If the opponent get the cross face blocking your entry into the Deep Half Guard.
- Revert back to the standard half guard
- If the opponent crosses their legs underneath them. Thereby stopping you from gaining control of an individual leg.
- Revert back to the standard half guard
- If the opponent gets the under hook the outside arm.
- Danger!! - This is a real problem because the opponent can attack with the straight armbar and triangle. On Jeff Glover DVD he shows a technique where you limp your underhooked arm then lift with your outside hook. (We are going to shoot a demo of this technique this weekend and I will update this post when the video is up.)
Tip(s) of the week:
- Do not let the opponent get the underhook of your outside arm!!
I cannot over-emphasize maintaining control of your outside arm. This completely disrupts the Deep Half Guard game so be mindful of your arm placement making sure it is very tight to your body or hidden under the opponent's leg in the deep half.
Rolling Overview:
Enjoy each class and each roll. Keep in mind that without your training partners you would have no jiu-jitsu.
Enjoy each class and each roll. Keep in mind that without your training partners you would have no jiu-jitsu.
Judo Overview: We have been working Tai - Otoshi for the past few weeks. I have always had a some serious issues with this throw so more uchikomis are in my future.