
34 of 200

Posted by --- Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Class 34 of 200 BJJ classes
Weight 163 lbs.

Instructor: Cassio Werneck

Class Overview:
Cassio had us working single leg takedowns from the sitting up guard against an standing opponent.

Key points(Turtle/Double Leg):
1. Keep you head inside.
2. Maintain firm control of single leg.
3. Keep arms tight to reduce chance for under hooks

Rolling overview:
I rolled 3 rounds one handed because my left hand is still giving me trouble. It is funny how some training partners are cool and will stay away from your injury and others could really give a damn if you are hurt. My buddy Pedro saw I was rolling one handed and put his arm under his belt as we rolled. Mi hermano!! Another guy I rolled with early actually grabbed my hand and squeezed it. Oh well it beats sitting out. I am really starting to research and drill my brabo chokes. I will be posting about it in the near future

Chad of MMAHitFit had us do his Workout of the Day today:

10 rounds of:
1 min of jumping guard
1 min of grip fighting
1 round of academy carrying your training partner.

I can really feel the difference that the crossfit is starting to have on my cardio. If you have a chance stop by and workout with Chad the Mad Scientist.

The hustle never stops..


About Me

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My name is Travis and I’ve been training BJJ since May, 2005. I am currently a brown belt under BJJ World Champion Cassio Werneck.

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