Class 13 of 200 BJJ classes
Weight 168 lbs.
Instructor: Marcos
Marcos went over his pressure control techniques from the top half guard.
Key points being:
1. Open the top lapel.
2. Reach around the head and grab top lapel under the opponents armpit.
3. Make sure the elbow stays in contact with the floor.
4. Drive shoulder into the opponent's neck by dropping weight and not squeezing.
Marcos also went over a back take to a lapel choke the was really sweet. I will be refilming it soon.
Started ramping for the Pan-ams with a crossfit workout after class today:
7 rounds of:
-15 thrusters
-12 pullups
- 9 vert jumps
Brown belt also showed me a tip one getting your knee through to the opponent's hip when going for the kimura on the bottom half guard.