
9 of 200

Posted by --- Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Class 9 of 200 BJJ classes
Weight 166 lbs.

Instructor: Derrick

We went over some back takes from leg wraps. Really good no-gi stuff.

Fought off a footlock today but I am paying for it now. My foot is sore like I stepped on a rock. Soaked in epsom salt bath tonight..helps the aches and pains.

My cardio is really starting to improve with all the training but my body needs a rest. Unless my meeting at work gets cancelled I am taking Weds as a rest day.

That crossfit yesterday still has me broken down.

The hustle never stops so I can't stop hustling.


About Me

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My name is Travis and I’ve been training BJJ since May, 2005. I am currently a brown belt under BJJ World Champion Cassio Werneck.

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