
BJJ Game Plan

Posted by --- Sunday, October 08, 2006 0 comments

This is my first attempt at a complete written game plan for BJJ. This a work in progress and I will be adding and removing content until I am comfortable with it.

Closed Guard Attacks Series

1.) Button hook Series (Two on one can be used!!)

Setup: i. Cross Grip(Right Hand) ii. Button Hook(Left Hand) far side grapping lapel before releasing iii. Right Hand to Shoulder iv. Hip out to the left v. Thigh up on elbow (Right Leg staying hooked)

a. Armlock - If opp. does not defend near side hip out move.

b. Far side Arm bar - If I am able to control the far side arm with the button hook.

c. Triangle - If opp. defends but far arm is free. Bring far leg through and finish.

c. Cross choke - If overhook is deep enough and opp. neck is undefended.

d. Sweep - If opp. far arm is controlled. Apply scissor sweep to that side

2.) Reverse Kimura grip series – If I cannot move hips to the outside or button hook cannot be setup.

Setup: i. Two on one on opp. right hand ii. Push opp. right hand into his belly as far as I can. iii. Use knees to bring opp. forward iv. Overhook opp. right arm with my left arm v. Attempt to escape hips to my left. vi. Left arm hooks opp. right bicep

a. Wrist lock - If I cannot move hips out
b. Triangle - If I can push opp. hand through

c. Go to Back(Arm drag) - If opp. pushes into to me
i. Two on one on opp. right hand ii. Push opp. right hand into his belly. i. Use knees to bring opp. forward ii. Use right arm to pull opp. through to the ground left arm iii. Escape hips to my left. iv. Take his back v. Apply RNC

Closed Guard Sweeps Series

1.) Button hook Series (Two on one can be used!!)
2.) Scissor Sweep
3.) Pendulum sweep
4.) Hip heist sweep
5.) Marcelo Hook and Roll
vii. Two on one on my opp. arm
viii. Close distance(Bring chest to his chest) and bring opp. using legs
ix. Bring Overhooked arm around behind head(Pressure with elbow).
x. Underhook far arm and clasp hand.
xi. Get far side leg hook(inside hook).
xii. Lift with under hook and chop near leg (scissor style).

3.) Closed Guard Passes Series – Scenario: I am in my Opp. guard

a. Saulo Pass(If I am in opp. closed guard)
i. Use my left hand to control opp. belt or gi pants with elbow controlling hips.
ii. Use my right hand to control gi pants at knee with downward pressure
iii. Come up onto right foot far enough away from opp. not to be hooked.
iv. Bring rotating to right with right leg while dropping hips back to open guard.
v. Side left knee over opp. right thigh(keeping low)
vi. Side body through securing side control

b. Standing Pass(If I am in opp. closed guard)
i. Use my left hand to control opp. belt or gi pants with elbow controlling hips.
ii. Use my right hand to control opp. left gi sleeve.
iii. Stand with right leg applying pressure from right.
iv. Stand with left leg applying pressure from both sides with knees.
v. Apply downward pressure with left hand to opp. left knee.
vi. Thrust hips forward and shake off guard.
vii. Side left knee over opp. right thigh(keeping low)
viii. Side body through securing side control.

c. Marcelo Wrist trap Pass #1(Standing)
i. Get arm control on opp. biceps.
ii. Trap wrist to the ground
iii. Post head on upper body
iv. Stand up(raising my hips and opp hips)
v. Circle hand around opp. body.
vi. Feed wrist to opposite hand
vii. Scoop Head and Stand up
viii. Push down on inside of knee
ix. Pass guard

d. Marcelo Wrist trap Pass #2(Down to knees)
i. Get arm control on opp. biceps.
ii. Trap wrist to the ground
iii. Post head on upper body
iv. Stand up(raising my hips and opp hips)
v. Circle hand around opp. body.
vi. Feed wrist to opposite hand
vii. Come back down to the ground
viii. Right arm across opp. face(Elbow against opp ear)
ix. Switch wrist grip to right hand.
x. Sit on side and use left hand to free guard.

Open Guard Series

1.) TBD

Half Guard Series

1.) Escapes Series (Two on one can be used!!)

a. Armlock
i. Cross Grip(Right Hand)
ii. Button Hook(Left Hand) far side grapping lapel before releasing
iii. Right Hand to Shoulder
iv. Hip out to the left
Thigh up on elbow (Right Leg staying hooked)
2.) Passes Series
3.) Submissions Series(Two on one can be used!!)
a. Kimura
ix. Right Hand to Shoulder
x. Hip out to the left
b. Barbo choke
xi. Right Hand to Shoulder
xii. Hip out to the left

Closed Guard Series

4.) Overhook Series (Two on one can be used!!)
c. Armlock
Setup: Cross Grip(Right Hand)
xiv. Button Hook(Left Hand) far side grapping lapel before releasing
xv. Right Hand to Shoulder
xvi. Hip out to the left
xvii. Thigh up on elbow (Right Leg staying hooked)

Side Control Series

1.) Cap’n Crunch Series (Two on one can be used!!)

2.) Kesa Gateme Series (Two on one can be used!!)

3.) To the back

4.) Near side armbar

5.) Gi chokes

6.) Escapes
i. Cross Grip(Right Hand)
ii. Button Hook(Left Hand) far side grapping lapel before releasing
iii. Right Hand to Shoulder
iv. Hip out to the left
v. Thigh up on elbow (Right Leg staying hooked)
vi. Finish Arm lock.

Back Control Series

1.) TBD

Mount Control Series

1.) TBD

Turtle Guard Series

1.) TDB

• Get more sweeps from various positions
• Improve Guard game (Open and closed) to gain more submissions
• Get proficient in cross and X-Guard
• Get proficient in Triangle – Omoplata – Arm Bar chain
• Get proficient in Half-Guard sweeps
• Master Saulo Riberio JJ Rev. DVDs(Watch at least 1 hour per week)
• Master Marcelo Garcia X-Guard and Back DVDs(Watch at least 1 hour per week)

Takedown Series - Scenario: From Knees

1.) Arm drag series
2.) Pull Full Guard
3.) Pull Half Guard
4.) Cross Arm Sweep
5.) Uchi Mata Sweep

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O Gurma

Posted by --- Wednesday, July 12, 2006 0 comments

I know this is a Judo throw(not BJJ) but I love this throw I must learn it!!

When the attacker punches, block and step through with a deep step — you need to get your advancing foot almost level with their rear foot. Turn through 180° while gripping under their rear armpit or by the belt if they're tall (and you're not). Using this hand, draw his balance forward, but not so he's bent over. When he's on the verge of falling, bring your leg up and backwards into his stomach, while continuing to draw him forwards — he should wheel about your leg.

As Sensei John Hamer will tell you, o-guruma is one of a continuing set of throws each of which is applicable depending upon how far you step through: koshi-guruma (if your feet end up between the attacker's feet), ashi-guruma (if you step through a little further), uchi-mata (if your feet end up either side of his rear foot) and o-guruma (if you pass his feet altogether). So even if you can't do the throw you originally planned because you've stepped through too far, there's always an alternative throw you can do instead.

Common mistakes:

* Not stepping far enough
* Not turning through enough
* Not getting the leg high enough
* Trying to execute the throw before you've taken the attacker's balance
* Losing your balance
* Making him bend in the middle
* Standing too far away from the attacker when trying to perform the throw

Back in the swing of things

Posted by --- Thursday, July 06, 2006 0 comments

I have been back training since mid-May and things have been going fairly well. The groin is still about 80% and I have to wrap it before every training session but it is a small price to pay.

Overall I think my gi game is progressing what I have been trying to do is focus on basic movements and chaining submissions. I also recently purchased Eduardo Telles New Turtle Guard DVD and so far I am very impressed(I plan on doing a more detailed review in a future blog).

I had been using the turtle guard as a transition when my guard is passed but after Eduardo Telles dvd I am not using it to launch attacks and for sweeps.

I have been also been trying to roll with bigger/stronger guys in order to force myself to use more techinique. It's hard on the ego but benefits me in the long run.

Cassio has had us doing position rolling(for about the past two weeks) where one guy starts in a dis-advantaged position and must escape while his training partner goes for the submission. This has been very helpful because it has given me an opportunit y to work on escapes.

In addition I have the opportunity to improve positions I normally stay away from like "mount" because in the past I have had trouble keeping control from that position.

More to come...God Willing.


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Malik's wins his Judo pool and Dad pulls groin

Posted by --- Monday, April 17, 2006 0 comments

That's right sports fan I have been out of action since April 4, 2006 due to a groin strain that I received in Judo class. Suck for me and I'll be out until at least May 1, 2006. I have seen a doctor and they have started me on physical therapy I will blog my progress..keep your fingers crossed!!

On happier note my son Malik won the 11-12 year old white/yellow belt pool at the Okubo Invitational Tournament. Here is some video from one of his matches:

Words and cannot express how proud I am of him...good job!!

Cassio's Side Control Submission Sequence

Posted by --- Friday, March 31, 2006 0 comments

Lately I have really be working on sequence-based submissions. What that means is chaining together submission attempts together based on your opponents response to prior attempts.

In class today Cassio showed is a flowing submission sequence (Kimura to Armbar to Triangle to Oma Plata):

Position: Have opponent in side control with far arm controlling near hip and the opponent's far arm trapped between your face and shoulder by your near arm.

Step #1:
Rotate counter-clock wise dropping your near knee on to opponent's near shoulder and far knee pinching into opponent's back. As this is doing you are pulling the opponent up towards near leg. Secure Kimura.

Step #2:
If opponent defends the kimura, then bring far leg up against opponent's back. Fall back into armbar.

Step #3:
If opponent rolls out of armbar, then transition into Triangle. Making sure to control opponent's near arm and far hip.

Step #4:
If opponent wraps leg then transition into Oma Plata

After a two week break due to some family business it is good to be back training. Look for more techinques real soon.

"forca a horna"

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Saulo Riberio Jiu-Jitsu Resolution - Half Guard Sweeps

Posted by --- Sunday, February 19, 2006 0 comments

Saulo Riberio Five commandments of the Half Guard:

Commandment #1 - "Thou shall not to get flatten out on back"
Get on your side as soon as possible. because getting flat make half-guard movement very difficult.

Commandment #2 - "Thou shall not get crossfaced"
Getting crossfaced takes away half of your control. Use bottom arm to defend the the crossface while making sure not to extend arm.

Commandment #3 - "Thou shall get underhook"
Getting underhook means that the opponent cannot attack the head without you going to his back. The underhook is a key component of most half-guard sweeps. Keep top arm tight to body to ensure that opponent does not get underhook. Grab belt when possible!!

Commandment #4 - "Thou shall use top knee to control distance"
The knee is the last resort if the opponent is able to open half guard.

Commandment #5 - "Thou shall crunch body up under opponent body"
This allows you to Getting underhook means that the opponent cannot attack the head without you going to his back. The underhook is a key component of most half-guard sweeps.

Ok..enough with the fluff some of the more memoriable Half Guard pass techniques.

Half Guard Sweep #1 :

  1. Feed trapped leg to out side hook and stretch him out.
  2. Near arm comes over to secure the leg(May not be needed).
  3. Come up on bottom elbow.
  4. Squeeze knees together and pull trapped leg out from under opponent.
  5. Drive weight towards opponent to complete sweep.
Half Guard Sweep #2 (If opponent kicks over during #1):
  1. Under hook opponent's near leg with your far leg.
  2. Kick hook over and follow opponent
Half Guard Sweep #3(As opponent switches hips on a the pass) :
  1. Get on side
  2. Get up on elbow
  3. Use top elbow on opponent back to grab his belt.
  4. As opponent drives his weight down bring leg up.
  5. Scoot hips under and around opponent.
  6. Take his back and choke him out.
  7. Squeeze knees together and pull trapped leg out from under opponent.
  8. Drive weight towards opponent to complete sweep.

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First off let me just say that Saulo Riberio Jiu-Jitsu Resolution is the best GI series on the market today. I love this dude's game because it's all about technique. In Saulo's own words "Too much are going to get tired. Jiu-Jitsu is not about strength."

As it relates to passing the half guard Saulo first rule(one that applies to every pass) is:
"Flatten you opponent out before you start the pass.(Circle towards feet)"

Ok..enough with the fluff some of the more memoriable Half Guard pass techniques.

Half Guard Pass #1 :

  1. Get near arm under opponent. shoulder
  2. Drop head over to opposite side.
  3. Raise hips and get up on toes
  4. Drop trapped knee over opponent inside thigh
  5. Switch hips inside and bring knee thru
  6. Secure side control
Note: A elbow lock can be obtained from Half Guard Pass #1 by reversing body position and locking trapped shoulder.

Half Guard Pass #2(Not able to get near arm under shoulder):
  1. Switch side by turning back to opponent's head.
  2. Use near arm to lock in opponent's hip.
  3. Walk trapped foot up until knee clears half guard.
  4. Use far knee(bottom) to trap opponent's bottom hip.
  5. Pull trapped leg free
  6. Switch hips
  7. Secure side control
Half Guard Pass #3 to mount(Not able to get near arm under shoulder):
  1. Switch side by turning back to opponent's head.
  2. Use near arm to lock in opponent's hip.
  3. Bring back up to opponent's chin
  4. Walk trapped foot up until knee clears half guard.
  5. Switch hip over and drop knee to near side(as if to mount).
  6. Bring head across to far side and secure near shoulder.
  7. Bring far leg inside to free trapped leg
  8. Secure mount
Half Guard Pass #4 (Trap hips):
  1. Move back and drop chest onto opponent's hips.
  2. Secure overarm lock on hips.
  3. Bring head to far side.
  4. Move hips towards trapped leg.
  5. Extend trapped leg.
  6. Secure side control.
Half Guard Pass #5 (Saulo's favorite):
  1. Opponent gets underhook.
  2. Secure overhook on opponent's arm and grab his belt..
  3. Adjust body switching hips toward far side.
  4. Swing far leg up and over to sit on opponent's near side.
  5. Grab top leg at the knee.
  6. Use free leg to push on opponent's bottom knee.
  7. Switch hips
  8. Secure side control.

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Saulo Riberio Jiu-Jitsu Resolution - Guard

Posted by --- Monday, January 23, 2006 0 comments

More notes from Saulo Riberio's Jiu-Jitsu Resolution. Good stuff.

Riberio Sweep(Tech. #2):

  1. Grab right pants leg at knee.
  2. Grab left sleeve.
  3. Drop left foot tight against opp. right foot
  4. Move hips slightly to left side(Stay tight!!).
  5. Bring forward to create momentum
  6. Move back and bring right leg up and around under opp. armpit

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First off let me just say how impressed I am with the entire Saulo Riberio Jiu-Jitsu Resolution set as whole. Very good stuff dude worth the money.

Overall notes:

  1. Get hooks in to rest or transition
  2. Weight down
Mount Escape #1 - Forward resistance
  1. Create arm frame on opp. waist(Hand over fist) - Do not push!!
  2. Bump over shoulder
  3. Bring bottom leg through for half guard
Note: As soon as you get mounted place arm frame in place.

If "hooks in".....
  1. lock in his hooks tight
  2. Use opposite foot to free bottom hook
If "knee are high"
  1. Move hips and legs to create space
  2. Secure arm frame
Mount Escape #2 - No forward resistance
  1. Bump(side) but not over the shoulder instead up like hip heist escape
  2. Use top arm to "pinch" leg at the knee(Elbow is lever)
  3. Follow through with hips just like hip heist escape.
Transition to knee on belly choke from mount(Very Nice!):
  1. Grab collar and open right collar
  2. Reach left hand across to inside right collar(thumb-in) not so deep make sure to keep arm
  3. Move to left and place opp. and dismount into knee on belly(right).
  4. Drop left elbow down toward mat.
  5. Reach right arm in(under)and secure opp. right elbow
  6. Step up on left leg dropping down leg to finish the choke.

Ezekiel Choke mount
  1. Get hooks and one hand under head. (Use forearm in throat to get opp. to lift leg)
  2. Drive off hand through opp. off hand until elbow reaches floor.
  3. Then drive head to opp. off hand to move elbow off
  4. Make lock in tight grabbing inside sleeve and across neck to finish choke

Combo Attack(Choke & Armbar) from S-mount(Very Nice!)
  1. Grab collar and open right collar
  2. Reach left hand across to inside right collar(thumb-in) not so deep make sure to keep arm in contact with body.
  3. Side right knee around until touch opp. head making sure to lock foot against hip.
  4. Wait and see how opp. defends.

If "opp. defends choke"...then take armbar!!
If "opp. defends armbar"..then take choke!!

Cross Choke from Mount(Notes):
  1. Not to deep grip
  2. Base out on either foot.
  3. Raise body up to finish choke

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About Me

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My name is Travis and I’ve been training BJJ since May, 2005. I am currently a brown belt under BJJ World Champion Cassio Werneck.

My Favorites