
12 of 200

Posted by --- Saturday, January 16, 2010

Class 12 of 200 BJJ classes
Weight 168 lbs.

Instructor: Marcos

Marcos reviewed the back taking he had been showing all week. I got completely wrecked by Marcos was beyond ugly but I know I can execute much better. Furthermore I have start imposing my game instead of reacting.

I have to start ramping up my training for the Pan-ams in April.

Saturday is my cheat day so I grubbed BIGTIME at my buddies playoff party but no drinks.

I have been killing people(except Marcos) with that 2 on 1 control so I am adding it to my competition BJJ gameplan. I just have to work out some gripping and positional issues that I had using it against Marcos. If I can get it so that it is effective enough to for him to change his guard then I can start transitioning into my x-guard game.

More to come God willing.


About Me

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My name is Travis and I’ve been training BJJ since May, 2005. I am currently a brown belt under BJJ World Champion Cassio Werneck.

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